My sister (Jennifer) is a missionary in Australia. She works with an organization called YWAM (youth with a mission). She has an opportunity to go on a month long trip to Papua New Guinea (PNG) to serve God and the people there. She will be working on the
YWAM Medical Ship - Australia. The ship brings primary health care, dental and ophthalmology services to the people of PNG. They also hold bible studies, train pastors and share the gospel with the people of PNG.

Since Jennifer was in High School she has felt a call from God to serve the people of PNG. Usually she works to serve the people in PNG from her base in Townsville, AUS. She is responsible for raising awareness and public relations for the ship, much of the behind the scenes work. But now she has an opportunity to actually GO to the country she loves and was called by God to serve.
I want to help her get I am selling a special collection of flower pins to raise money for her trip. All proceeds from
The Princess Collection will go directly to her. I will be covering the cost of the pins so 100% of the money you give will go directly to her and you get a cute flower pin.
There are twelve fabrics to choose from, see below.
Each flower measures 4" x 4" in size.
Flowers are available as a Pin or Hair Barrette
- $20 donation will get you one flower.
- $50 donation will get you 3 flowers.
- If you get 5 friends to donate and order flowers, you will receive your choice of any of my flowers from my full collection.
Below are the twelve flowers you can choose from. I'm calling it my
Princess Collection. To order please
email me ( your choice of flower and whether you want a pin or barrette.
- Checks: Make payable to Jennifer Younger
- Cash: can be given directly to me (or my mom if you are in Eureka).
- Credit Card: This paypal account is directly linked to my sisters bank account all proceeds will go directly to her. Please donate an extra dollar per flower to cover the cost of processing (i.e. $21 for one flower, $42 for two flowers, or $53 dollars for 3 flower)
Shipping: For those of you in Eureka I will be sending a box with all the orders to my mom, so free shipping for you! Those of you in Mass I will deliver your orders personally. Any other places shipping is free if you get more than 5 orders together. Otherwise shipping is $2.
These flowers make great gifts (Mother's day is coming up) and nothing spruces up an outfit for spring like a flower pin. :) Plus you'll be helping a wonderful girl who is a true servant: my awesome Sister!!!