Monday, May 21, 2012

For me move to Idaho!

So as many of you know I'm moving to Idaho at the beginning of June. I'm only taking a car full of stuff and mailing somethings so I am trying to sell a good amount of my stuff. God was sooo good last weekend to give us good weather for the garage sale. I was able to sell a lot of stuff. But I still have some things left. Check it out let me know if you're interested in anything.

air conditioner - $50




$20- 10 place setting



whole box for $5

3ft lighted tree - $5

Box of christmas stuff - $5

Box of sewing stuff - $5


$3 over 60 magazines

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Something worth watching

Just wanted to share this great sermon that I just watch.



Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Mark Driscoll's theology of suffering is right on as far as I've seen. I've also loved his series on Philippians where he talks about Joy, "The rebels guide to Joy".